Our accredited online learning can open up new possibilities for your organisation

Online learning delivers a variety of benefits to our partners.

  • Reduce existing training costs
  • Expand your training portfolio and revenues
  • Offer engaging new learning content
  • Increase your reach with low bandwidth, mobile learning
  • Include more people with accessible learning


Helping people into new jobs can require a lot of support in different forms. Online learning can provide a key part of the solution, often in conjunction with other forms of support delivered face to face or remotely. The Digital College works in partnership with many organisations helping people move into, and sustain, meaningful employment.

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Training Providers

Our broad portfolio of 60+ courses can help training providers fill in any gaps in their services. And thanks to the flexibility of online learning, we can help you reach customers and learners anywhere in the world.

Get in touch to see how our portfolio can help you broaden your service offerings

Trade and Industry Associations

Continual Professional Development (CPD) is a key benefit for the members of many associations. Delivering face-to-face learning to a distributed membership can be very challenging. Add in the fact that most members don't have time for training during working hours, we can see that offerings CPD has many obstacles

By working with The Digital College, we can help you offer a range of compelling courses to your membership. Get in touch to see how a partnership could increase the benefits to you and your members

The modern approach to learning

Online learning can deliver a great grounding in many modern workplace skills. These could be general skills (customer care) or specific skills (restaurant hospitality). Even areas such as construction can have a lot of "off the job" learning (health and safety, working at height).

The benefits of online learning

The unique nature of online learning offers many benefits when deployed alone or used as part of a blended learning and development solution. Advantages include:

  • provision of support on a remote basis, reaching a distributed workforce;
  • automatically recording and storage or accurate learning records;
  • delivery of targeted learning on an individual basis. No need to wait for a classroom to fill up;
  • provision of consistent, high quality learning and assessment - the same every time for everyone;

Why use The Digital College?

  • THE most accessible courses Easy to use, available anywhere
  • Accredited learning Official certificates from Highfield (Ofqual recognised)
  • Courses designed for all skills Entry level content to help people upskill
  • Easy self-service portal for customers Setup staff quickly. Monitor progress instantly.

Contact us to get started!

Call 020 7183 2673

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